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Traveling with a Newborn


Looking to keep your holidays merry and bright while traveling with a newborn this year?

Nothing says Happy Holidays like an overtired baby you can't get to sleep. Traveling with kids always takes a bit more preparation, and it seems like you need to pack a million things for a newborn. Many things will be out of control when traveling, so we have to focus on what we can control. And the thing you forget, will most likely be the thing you need. But here are a few tried-and-true tips to make traveling easier, especially around the holidays when all you want to do is get to your destination and spend time with those you love!

  1. Do a pick-up order for diapers and wipes once you arrive. Even better, have your relatives pick them up beforehand for you! Only pack what you need for the flight or drive! This has been a game changer, and makes space for all the gifts you might need to bring home.

  2. If your baby is older than 9-10 months, they may be sensitive to the light. Consider a sleep tent, or travel black out shades to keep their sleeping space dark.

  3. Pack a portable sound machine! Turn it up to help drown out noise from a party, or random comments from strangers. I always had one attached to the carseat for sleep on the go!

  4. Baby wear – As a new parent, sometimes you need a comfort blanket yourself. Wear your baby close, and get those snuggles in. It can help your new baby sleep with an irregular schedule, and keep them from getting overtired/overstimulated during a holiday party.

  5. Many times when traveling, you are always on the go, especially around the holidays. One of the best tips I heard was from Karrie Locher. She said, pack a diaper for every hour you are going to be out of the house (and bring an extra outfit). No need to overdo it, but feel confident knowing you are prepared! 

  6. Know your limits – Your friends and family will want to hold the baby. Your baby is going to be fussy at times. Don’t get caught in an uncomfortable situation, and plan what to say or do in advice. For example, if your Aunt Sally is hogging the baby and you’re ready to have her back, just say it's time to feed, and take a minute (or 10) to yourself. 

What other advice would you add to the list?!? Happy Holidays and may all your travels be easy!


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